10 Strongest Dog Breeds

10 Strongest Dog Breeds

Though petite pets are fun to cuddle, there’s much to be said for the role of powerful, strong dog breeds in our lives. After all, these workhorse dogs have long fulfilled important functions from farming and hunting to protection, and they’re loyal, smart, and often wonderful family pets. In this list of strongest dog breeds, you’ll find plenty of variety—though they’re all very strong dogs, these canines range from cuddly to reserved, playful to laid-back, and more.

Dog bites stats have been misunderstood, however  and are not often as high as reported.

  1. Siberian Huskies
  2. Rottweiler
  3. Great Dane
  4. New found land
  5. Saint Bernard
  6. French Mastiff
  7. Cane Corso
  8. German Shepherd
  9. Argintino Dogo
  10. Chow Chow